Victoria’s voluntary assisted dying Medication program under the spotlight after regional man’s long wait

voluntary assisted dying medication Alan Clark finally got approved for Victoria’s voluntary assisted dying Medication scheme after spending months trying to access it. Key points: Alan Clark died before he was scheduled to receive voluntary assisted dying medication His wife Zenda Clark says “everything he dreaded happened”, due to the many hurdles […]

I can’t bear the thought of leaving you MAID

The kind and caring oncologist answered my husband’s “how long do I have” question with a short “you have weeks becoming months, not months becoming years.” Also available to you , are MAID options . Rob had lived with prostate cancer for the last eight of his 79 years. Over time […]

Macron announces Doctor assisted dying citizens assembly

President Emmanuel Macron announced he will launch a citizens’ assembly on Doctor assisted dying. The French President showed his support for assisted dying while campaigning in the presidential election. Further details about the ‘convention citoyenne’ will be announced on Tuesday 13th September. Macron called it a move towards “more humanity. […]

I will not Qualify for Voluntary Assisted Death

Hi, my name is Ron. I will not qualify for a Voluntary Assisted Death under the Victorian legislation. This is a huge shortfall in the legislation.  I have a disease called Inclusion Body Myositis or IBM. It is a muscle-wasting disease that is slow in progression but never-the-less it never […]

Pentobarbital Sodium Online Approval by Peru court

Peru Court approve Pentobarbital Sodium onlinePentobarbital Sodium approval Peru Supreme Court makes historyThe Peru Supreme Court makes history? and approves Pentobarbital Sodium Online for the first ever time . Sometimes news stories become a law unto themselves as we can see in the situation here . The death of detail make any […]

Three quarters support inquiry on Assisted dying .

Nearly three quarters of the British public support a parliamentary inquiry into assisted dying, polling reveals today. Research by YouGov found that 74 per cent were in favour of examining the impact of the law as it stands and potential changes to legislation. In the poll, assisted dying was defined […]