Peaceful Pill Handbook 1. Peaceful Pill Handbook Continuously updated with new information Available on 24 month subscription basis (US$285) Contains 50+ videos Allows access to Peaceful Pill Forums (on approval & after 1 month wait period) Printed from live URL secure line Accessed on up to 3 devices: Laptops, PCs, […]
Tag Archives: voluntary euthanasia
Medical Aid In Dying (MAID ) .
The study and analysis of patients seeking medical aid in dying (MAID) seem to be similar in both Oregon and Washington, according to a studies published in JAMA Network Open and the Chronicles Medical Library Medical Aid in Dying is most common in these states in the USA since it has been […]
Right to die “Dr Death “
Right to die ” It should be a fundamental human right to decide the quality of life a person wants . Says Voluntary Euthanasia advocate Dr Marc van Hoey After the recent changes in Euthanasia laws of Belgium , there been a rapid increase in the number of patients requesting […]
Voluntary Euthanasia Advocate Dr Philip gets his Raid items returned
Voluntary Euthanasia The act of taking one’s life according to their will after terminal illness or during a terminal disease condition . Most patients prefer to die with dignity , and get a peaceful death rather than suffer prolonged health conditions making them endure pains , which never tend to […]
Reliable source of Nembutal Online
Reliable source of Nembutal Online Have you been looking for a reliable source to get Nembutal online . Have you fallen on rip off websites in your search for this peaceful exit medication (Pentobarbital Sodium ) , Do you wish to order Nembutal without a prescription . Look no further […]
Peaceful Pill Handbook
Peaceful Pill Handbook The Peaceful Pill Handbook is a book setting out information on assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia. It was originally published in the U.S. in 2006 and was written by the Australian doctors Philip Nitschke and Fiona Stewart. In 2008 the on-line handbook was launched. Called The Peaceful […]
Best Assisted Suicide Machine developed by Philip Nitschke for Voluntary Euthanasia
Voluntary Euthanasia It’s still surprising the industrialized West doesn’t know how to deal with death or Voluntary Euthanasia. Some say Culturally, we only seem capable of engaging with the end of a human being’s life in one way: as a problem. That problem of assisted suicide can only be “solved” […]